It’s exactly what the header said: a page to collect all the freebies, bits and bobs in free download that I’ve made for myself, for someone else, for fun, because it made sense, because I have a pencil and I’m not afraid to use it.
Updated irregularly from time to time, when I draw new stuff or remember some other lost bits.
Wallpaper Patterns

VASES! in blue, mustard and black and white.

Dreamfishes! Dogs! Cats! Space!

Telegram Stickers

Just click on and download a myriad of manatee stickers to express all your feelings and ideas. Well, some of your feeling and ideas: the ones that can be embodied in a friendly sea mammal.
Gif & Instagram Stickers

Just type “tostoini” on the gif search bar for the Instagram stories and you will find all of them. I also have a channel on giphy, which mean you can find and use these gifs also on twitter, or as Space Karen renamed it – like a men deodorant spray knock-off – X.

Per la Giornata Internazionale della Donna dell’8 marzo, per la Giornata internazionale per l’eliminazione della violenza contro le donne del 25 novembre, o per qualunque altra giornata in cui tocca andare in piazza per le più molteplici ragioni femministe, transfemministe, intersezionali, queer, sì che non ne mancano. Da dove arriva l’idea e come funziona l’ho spiegato meglio qui.
Colora che ti passa

A collaborative set of coloring pages for kids thanks to various illustrators, from an idea of my good friends Lalla and Luisa and Betta, amazing illustrators and the minds behind the Cartavolante. Mine is a set of sea creatures that you can also use print on colorful cardboard and use as gift tags.
Benvenuti ABC

A couple of year ago PubCoder built a picture dictionary to help volunteers working with refugees to easily communicate with refugee children. It’s a collaborative animated picture dictionary with audio in Italian and English, 150 common use words that helps communicating your story or immediate needs. It’s a simple app that volunteers can access directly on their smartphones. I made I for Island. Find out more here.